Large Parcel Delivery
The cost of sending a large parcel can often be off-putting, meaning you avoid sending large parcels even when you've found the perfect present for a friend relative abroad that just won't fit into a smaller box. That, or you might get a nasty surprise on the day when you find out how much you will have to pay to send your parcel. Fortunately, RAND believes in keeping prices low, and so we offer competitive rates on our large parcel delivery.
There is no need to pay more than you need to when it comes to sending a large parcel. At RAND we keep our costs low so that we can deliver the best value service to our customers, but you can rest assured that this does not mean we compromise on the level of service we offer. We are fast, reliable and best of all, cheap, and we will make sure your next large parcel delivery goes smoothly, so you have no need to worry about the large item you are sending.